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Ryan Biggs | Clark Davis Engineering & Surveying, D.P.C

5th Annual Architects vs. Engineers Golf Tournament

Thank you to VMJR Companies for organizing the 5th Annual Architects vs. Engineers Golf Tournament, which took place on September 20th at The Edison Club in Rexford, NY. 

This friendly competition raised money for Wellspring, an organization dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault in Saratoga County by providing survivor services and engaging the community. Wellspring, selected by last year’s tournament winner, Airosmith Development, has been supporting survivors for over 40 years. Ryan Biggs Clark Davis proudly served as the Lunch Sponsor, with Jeremy Gregware, Chad Reinemann, Chris Lesher, and Shawn Cornelius, General Manager at Fastenal, representing us on the course!

#RBCD #ryanbiggsclarkdavis #golf #structuralengineers #givingback

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