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Ryan Biggs | Clark Davis Engineering & Surveying, D.P.C

25th Annual ASCE Mohawk-Hudson Section Golf Outing

Ryan Biggs Clark Davis was proud to sponsor the 25th Annual ASCE Mohawk-Hudson Section Golf Outing at Airway Meadows Golf Course in Gansevoort last week.

Sponsorship from this tournament helps fund scholarships for high school students planning to pursue a degree in Civil Engineering. With more than 150,000 members across 177 counties, ASCE has been bringing the global civil engineering community together since 1852. Zach Wietsma, Jeff Hodgson, Jon Marshall, and Jude Clary from Titan Roofing participated in the event.
#RBCD #ryanbiggsclarkdavis #golf #structuralengineers #givingback

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